The US’s 250th national birthday will be held in 2026. Are you prepared, you suffrage nuts?

In 2026 the United States will hold its 250th birthday and the event may move forward with US women empowered with the right to vote. However, this 2026 information (so far) is being presented without even a mention of girls and women in key digital places, as if we don’t exist. You bet, we’re noticing….

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Edna loved Wilmer, but she didn’t want to get married: Marguerite’s Musings on Valentine’s Day

by Marguerite Kearns I’m not saying that my grandparents wore these particular coats shown below, but they certainly glanced at the winter styles and were, I suspect, influenced by the fashion. The styles appear on the same page as an article about Grandmother Edna and her suffrage movement organizing and activities. If I transpose my…

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Musing about my Susan B. Anthony speech, plus new book about Alice Paul

I’m still working out the details of my Susan B. Anthony speech for the party commemorating the June 19, 1873 presentation Susan gave in court at the Ontario County, NY courthouse for her trial for illegal voting. The occasion: her trial for illegal voting. The courthouse is located in what’s known as the “Cradle” of…

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Encourage NYS Gov. Andrew Cuomo to put “Spirit of 1776” wagon on permanent exhibit!

Contact New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo directly. Bring up the following email form, fill in your name and address. Select “Women’s Issues” as the category, and make your message simple. Save suffrage history. Support the New York State Museum in putting the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon on permanent exhibit for today and…

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