Suffrage & women’s rights scholar has contributed to Edna Buckman Kearns public awareness and professional volunteer efforts

We have relied on many many people who have contributed to the uphill task of taking the story of Edna Buckman Kearns to the broader public. This has included the contributions of numerous people, organizations, and the luck of presence and courage. We have attempted to break the rules of engagement in many ways and…

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The suffrage movement activists didn’t think all alike! Let’s be realistic…

by Marguerite Kearns The women activists who put their lives, families, and reputations on the line so we could vote today didn’t speak with one voice. They debated and engaged in loud and chronic disagreements. There were hundreds of suffrage organizations. Yes, with many perspectives I didn’t agree with, then or now. But that doesn’t…

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The US’s 250th national birthday will be held in 2026. Are you prepared, you suffrage nuts?

In 2026 the United States will hold its 250th birthday and the event may move forward with US women empowered with the right to vote. However, this 2026 information (so far) is being presented without even a mention of girls and women in key digital places, as if we don’t exist. You bet, we’re noticing….

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Marguerite Kearns spoke to community groups and much more about the US suffrage movement or “votes for women”!

by Ramona Dayton It wasn’t easy to promote Marguerite’s maternal grandmother Edna who volunteered in the “votes for women” or suffrage movement during 1913 in New York City and Long Island. Edna Buckman Kearns was a writer, a speaker, a representative, a grassroots organizer, and someone who consistently spoke for women who “needed” the right…

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Another post from Marguerite Kearns about New York State Museum’s update from curator Jennifer Lemack about the wagon’s exhibition in 2025

Another column from our anchor Marguerite Kearns about Edna Kearns’ suffrage campaign wagon, the wagon promoting women’s voting rights in New York City and Long Island during 1913, and Marguerite’s 2024 emphasis on body politics, now and in the future… THE 2025 EXHIBITION OF THE “SPIRIT OF 1776” SUFFRAGE WAGON ON LONG ISLAND. . . …

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Valentine’s Day, Chinese Lunar New Year, Birthdays, and more…on Suffrage Wagon News Channel!

February is a terrific month of the Lunar New Year, of building on the past, affirming our sisters and brothers and ancestors. The top image is a front cover of a publication produced by the Women’s History Alliance in 2021. The Chinese New Year has been celebrated for ages. So has Valentine’s Day when the…

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Why is the anchor of Suffrage Wagon News Channel-Marguerite Kearns- focusing on her feet?

COLUMN FROM MARGUERITE KEARNS I started with evaluating my emphasis on my feet. They are neglected in general, says my exercise teacher. And reluctantly I admitted that the category of my mind and that of spirit are given more emphasis than my body. Yikes. This is something I have to correct. That’s why I registered…

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