This 2013 book is a classic—Women’s  Suffrage Memorabilia: An Illustrated Historical Study. If there is anything worth having in your collection, this is it. By Kenneth Florey, it is the most up to date collection of what is “out there.”

There is more, and when you believe nothing more can be said, Florey and his co-editor produces a newsletter for collectors that drills into the topic. Unfortunately, this incredible newsletter is available only to collectors, but it stands as a reminder of the grassroots and professional interest in the topic.

McFarland & Company, the publisher, is to be commended for staying with the comprehensive topic of memorabilia. It includes memorabilia as well as jewelry, magazine covers, pillow tops, pencils, and so much more that your head will be spinning. And the illustrations add to the knowledge.

Since the 2020 centennial that coincided with the pandemic, it is fashionable to say that the observance was a failure. Considering that women’s history is marginal, which includes women, in general, the observance was noted to a remarkable extent.

If there hadn’t been considerable voluntary organizing prior to the 2020 centennial observance, 2020 may have come and gone without anyone noticing.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009.