Grandmother Edna Kearns wouldn’t have had a starring role in “Iron Jawed Angels,” a classic introduction for many about the woman’s suffrage movement. However, she would have been in the office of the National Woman’s Party during the scenes when the suffs picketed the White House. And as such, she would have represented the many grassroots activists it took to win Votes for Women. Check out the mention of Edna in the online magazine, New York History.

Now there’s a curriculum guide available that uses “Iron Jawed Angels” to make history come alive. I haven’t seen the materials myself, but I’m passing them on because they stress the angle of nonviolent social change and its importance in the suffrage movement. Check out the press release. Plus additional information.

3 Responses

  • Kaldo

    What a story. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Suffrage, yes! Votes for women, yes.

  • Happy Rand

    These folks sure know how to price lesson plans so they are affordable. And students love a good movie. Attaching it to a history lessons lets me, as a teacher, to go in the back door and make the kids love learning.

  • Peter

    More, more, more PLEASE!

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