Did you know that the current U.S. administration isn’t in favor of a U.N. sponsored global conference for women? The UN Secretary General and the President of the General Assembly in a Joint Statement (3/8/12) asked for a resolution from General Assembly to hold a Global Conference on Women, the first since Beijing in 1995. It had some strong support until the USA and the EU came out against it. It is time now, to take this up again. Once passed, 5WCW would likely be held in 2017. Sign here on this digital petition. Background: 4WCW was in Beijing, 1995. 5WCW would be a 21st century conference with the internet, smart phones, satellite technology, simultaneous conferences; feminist networks, ongoing women’s circles including virtual ones. This would energize a global women’s movement which creates political will, without which women and women’s issues are sidelined. Since 2009, Jean Bolen and others have been working toward this goal at the United Nations. Active support from the White House is needed for passage of a consensus resolution in the General Assembly. Preparation takes two to three years, with 2017 as a goal. A silent non-religious hour meditation is held every second Wednesday of the month, 5 to 6 pm, at different United Nations missions, at the end of which each person may name a person, an event or an intention. Anele Heiges of IPPI, always speaks the intention to have a UN 5th World Conference on Women, 5WCW. You are invited to participate wherever you are. Follow Jean Shinoda Bolen who is featuring the conference on her web site. Bolen says: “I continue to take my ‘assignment’ as a message carrier to heart. I believe that critical-mass, grassroots activism transforms consciousness which in turn, changes history. I believe that humanity is at a crossroads and that what women do in the next few decades will determine the fate of life on this beautiful, abundant planet.”

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