Suffrage hikers to Washington, DC are captured on film

There’s very little film footage from the suffrage movement, so this 80-second clip from the National Film Preservation Foundation is a treasure. It’s entitled “On to Washington.” The occasion is the suffrage hiking march with Rosalie Jones and Elisabeth Freeman and others who headed south to Washington, DC to join the suffrage parade scheduled to…

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Electric vibrator is linked to suffrage in Victorian comedy

The suffrage movement is responsible for a great deal, but it never to my knowledge was it linked to the development of the electric vibrator. Facts are completely irrelevant in the film by Tanya Wexler, “Hysteria,” that’s admittedly tongue in cheek when dealing with Victorian attitudes about women and sexuality. Perhaps the imaged link between…

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News from suffrage centennial states: Oregon, Kansas, Arizona

Oregon’s suffrage centennial has some novel programs, such as the traveling sash that’s photographed as it moves around the state (called “Follow the Sash”). A sash is available for $15 from the Oregon Women’s History Consortium. The centennial web site, “Century of Action,” has historical documents, essays, news, events, and suffrage history. Glencoe Elementary Suffrage Singers are shown above…

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Oregon suffrage centennial in 2012 has photo opps and dress ups

Former Oregon governor Barbara Roberts, center, with LuAnn Trotebas, left, and Alyce Cornyn-Selby, right, from the National Hat Museum, wearing vintage 1912 hats at a Oregon 2012 suffrage centennial event. Photos courtesy of Oregon Women’s History Consortium, Century of Action project. Photos by Andie Petkus. The story of suffrage is inching across the nation. The…

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