You’re in charge of the messages when you prepare fortune cookies for your friends and supporters. And it’s downright fun watching facial expressions of friends and supporters when they open the messages in their cookies.

One possibility is to emphasize the importance of an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution. This would eliminate  the patchwork of present-day attempts to write protections into documents on the state level.

Make fortune cookies for August 26, Women’s Equality Day! on Vimeo.

The above video was produced for Suffrage Wagon Cooking School.

This year, US women will have been working on an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution for 100 years. Find out what is going on nationally at 

Through the Eye of Marguerite Kearns: Writing as the descendant of suffrage activists!

on Vimeo.

This book by Marguerite Kearns describes the combined efforts of a family of activists, including men, as symbolized by the participation of Wilmer R. Kearns. It was published by SUNY Press (State University of New York) in 2021.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009.