Even children were on the speaking circuit to win votes for women –something important to remember. After spending “Suffrage Day” in 1914 organizing an automobile parade and open-air meetings, Brooklyn suffragists sent a Votes for Women appeal to President Woodrow Wilson by carrier pigeon. The NY Times covered the pigeon release. Grandmother Edna was busy speaking that day at Union Square Park in Manhattan. The article noted that when Edna spoke, she was accompanied by her ten-year-old daughter Serena Kearns. Edna wasn’t feeling well that day, but she dragged herself to the podium, as the article notes.

Other young girls, in addition to Serena, participated in the movement. On Suffrage Day in 1913, one such youngster (Dorothy Frooks) spoke from the podium to the hundreds of people gathered. According to the account, Dorothy had been on the suffrage speaking trail since the age of seven. The NY Times reported on another of Dorothy’s speaking engagements.

4 Responses

  • Pamela Kay

    I love their clever way of seeing things.

  • Belinda Dallas

    Great graphic.

  • Monique L.

    We’re seeing a lot of PR events these days. Nothing surprises me, and I suppose that carrier pigeons in their day were pretty novel.

  • Tara

    I love that they gave her address in the newspaper article — that’s certainly not something that we’d see today!

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