1. Gravestone marker at Plymouth, PA Quaker Meeting—2020 installation of gravestone marker for Edna Buckman Kearns and her parents, May Begley Buckman and Charles Harper Buckman at Quaker burial ground in Plymouth Meeting, PA.

2. Historic marker on main street of Huntington, NY. Installed with the assistance of Long Island Woman Suffrage Association. The city of Long Beach (Long Island) is planning to install a historical marker through the Pomeroy Foundation and the national votes for women trail. No date has been set for the installation.

3. The New York State Museum in Albany, New York, where the Spirit of 1776 suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Kearns is in the permanent collection, is included in plans for permanent exhibition in the museum’s upcoming renovation.. Watch for updates about when the state museum will reopen after the COVID-19 temporary closings.

4. An incredible year in 2020 where the national centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment has manifested in many different forms, from books to programs, to theatre, to film, to special programs, forums, spectacular events, and more.

Votes for Women news involved in celebrating women’s rights centennials! on Vimeo.

5. The announcement by SUNY Press in Albany, NY about the upcoming publication of An Unfinished Revolution: Edna Buckman Kearns and the Struggle for Women’s Rights by Marguerite Kearns.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009. We are so fortunate to have so many friends help with this project over the years. Thank you.