Marguerite Kearns speaks about grandmother Edna Kearns on public radio during NWHP campaign for Inez Milholland citizens medal. Suffragist of the Month: Edna Kearns. Newsday article about “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon, June 27, 2015. “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon polarizes Long Island 100+ years after the American Revolution. “Spirit of 1776” music video has boost during Women’s History Month. Coverage of Suffrage Wagon News Channel partnering with Turning Point Suffragist Memorial for the first annual “Night of Terror” observance: (1.) “‘Night of Terror’ for White House Picketers,” October 31, 2014. PDF. (2.) Coverage on New York History blog.
New York History blog highlights “Spirit of 1776” music video. PDF.
Suffrage Wagon, the “Spirit of 1776” highlighted in August 26, 2014 feature article (PDF). “Spirit of 1776” wagon featured in episode of “Feminism 101.” Edna Kearns featured nominee for 2014 Women’s History publication. Overview of the blogging tour of LetsRockTheCradle. Articles by Marguerite Kearns are also found on New York History. See #1. #2. #3. #4. See also. Edna Kearns mention in Newsday article (March 2014) about Long Island women and the vote.
Media about “Spirit of 1776” resolution in NYS Legislature: Ms. Magazine blog: #1. #2. Newsday coverage. #1. Legislative Gazette. #1. #2. Article from Women’s eNews. #1. #2. Albany TV coverage. #1. #2. State Senator Little’s web page about resolution. #1. #2. Transcript of June 18, 2013 of the New York State Senate introduction of the Wagon Day (July 1, 2013) resolution. #1. #2. New York History blog. #1.
Fall 2013 issue of “New York Archives” magazine features an overview of the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon and the exclusive story of the confrontation in Huntington, NY after the wagon left New York City on its 1913 journey for a month-long organizing trip through Long Island. See article. Edna Kearns: Her life story. PDF. Edna Buckman Kearns information. About Wilmer Kearns, Edna’s husband. About Marguerite Kearns.
Suffrage Wagon News Channel specializes in Votes for Women news and views. Find out about: Antonia Petrash’s book on the Long Island suffrage movement has an entire chapter about Edna Kearns. Order your copy from the publisher or online. There’s a great photograph in the book of the “Spirit of 1776” wagon when it was exhibited in Albany, NY in 2012 as part of the Governor’s exhibit, “From Seneca Falls to the Supreme Court: New York’s Women Leading the Way.” Suffrage work of Edna Kearns noted in Rockville Centre, NY history. Edna Kearns included in book about Long Island women by Natalie Naylor. Storytelling about Grandmother Edna and Grandfather Wilmer: Blog of the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum. Washington, DC. Op-Ed by Olivia Twine about suffrage wagon on exhibit at New York State Capitol Building. Audio interview with Marguerite Kearns about Edna Buckman Kearns in Chick History series. Grandmother Edna makes “New York History”. Article about Serena Kearns by Tara Bloyd. “American Women Celebrate the Freedom to Vote.” Art work of the “Spirit of 1776” wagon by Peter Sinclair.

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“Choose it and Use it” is a video reminding us of how the past is linked to what we do today and its impact on the future.