Replica "Votes for Women" plate.

There are gifts galore to choose from and you don’t have to leave home! Replica “Votes for Women” dinner plates come with high recommendations. See comments by Veyla Jancz-Urban. You can order items from the “Votes for Women” tea sets online at the Susan B. Anthony House gift shop, plus many other items. Zazzle has many personalized suffrage gift items, as does Cafe Press –whether it’s a mug, t-shirt, poster, set of stickers, mouse pad. Chances are. . . if they don’t have it, they’ll make it for you. The Louisa May Alcott House has a shop full of suffrage goodies. And don’t forget CDs and books. The online shop of theĀ National Women’s History Project has a wide range of items from women’s history, including books for readers of all ages, games and educational items.

3 Responses

  • Fred Dickman

    Sure helps at the last minute when I’m clueless about a gift. Now, if I could only remember…

  • Melanie

    I had no idea there was so much available!

  • Teri Gay

    And also – contact Bob Warren, an amazingly talented singer songwriter from Greenwich, NY, (where Susan B. Anthony lived in her girlhood), who has created a wonderful CD, called “Only the Message Mattered.” It is his original music and lyrics – all about the life of Susan B. in the Greenwich (Washington County) area. It is just beautiful! I have a copy of it myself and enjoy it immensely. Bob’s email address is:

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