“The Clarion” is in its 54th issue for  winter 2023. This newsletter, geared to suffrage collectors, has valuable nuggets of information  about women’s suffrage history not available elsewhere. You can’t get this excellent resource about votes for women and suffrage history in the general mainstream. It’s available only with your membership in the Women’s Suffrage and Political Issues Chapter of the American Political Items Conservators, a non profit organization dedicated to the preservation of political memorabilia—www.apic.us

The  Women’s History Alliance is preparing for  2023’s  theme:  “Celebrating Women who tell our Stories.” We’ve submitted a brief reminder about grassroots activist Edna Kearns. Let’s see if it appears.

AND SuffrageWagon.org is focusing on celebrations, special campaigns and projects.

This is a reminder to start planning now. It seems early, but before you’re aware of it, Women’s History Month in March 2023 will be in our faces!

1. What are you and your organization planning for March, Women’s History Month?

2. Spring will be here soon. Planning for a special women’s suffrage history event is not only fun, but it’s necessary.

3. This year—2023— is the 100th anniversary of US women working on an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution. Have you scheduled support for this celebration? Join the ERA Coalition that is persisting in getting an equal rights amendment included in the US Constitution.

4. What about other anniversaries and. celebrations such as August 26, 2023— Women’s Equality Day.

Get busy baking to honor a suffrage activist at Suffrage Wagon Cooking School! on Vimeo.

This is another opportunity to make available the information rattling around and accumulating since the 2020 observance of the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. Our sister site, SuffrageCwentennials.com, is working in support of an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009.

Have you expressed your support directly to  the New York State Museum about placing the “Spirit  of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Kearns and others on permanent exhibition in 2024?