A lot’s going on to win the hearts of suffrage buffs:

FEEDBACK: “Suffrage Wagon News Channel is a terrific testimony to women’s achievements over 200 years and a guide light for the future about making sure women’s voices are heard across the globe and that they vote. This online source provides updated news and stories about the women’s suffrage movement. Full of stories, history, struggles and triumphs. This superb site bridges history and the present and paces the way for the future. Founder, writer and editor Marguerite Kearns has suffrage in her DNA. As the granddaughter of suffragist Edna Buckman Kearns, she designed this site to honor strong women leaders throughout time, surrounding the women’s vote. Suffrage Wagon is the authoritative site on women’s suffrage. Join the movement today. Participate, learn, enjoy, celebrate great women leaders and get active.”

Mary Ford, Hewlett, New York_______________________

Update on Alice Paul coin; October trip to Gage House in Fayetteville, NY; UK women’s library saved; suffrage character on UK television noted; Bryn Mawr College award in honor of suffragist activists; locals celebrate suffrage history; suffrage supporter Frederick Douglass’ statue moved; obituary for suffragist; find out about memorabilia for suffrage movement; concern over voter suppression; commentary about voting restrictions; uppity view about suffering suffrage; find out dates in October that are significant in women’s history from the National Women’s History Project. Suffrage centennial in Arizona: Link #1, Link #2; college student op-ed; rally against ID laws; Alice Paul dramatization; Texas suffrage event; comment on First Lady speech; Geeenwich, NY history blog has suffrage angle; voting in Washington State.