This volunteer project focusing on suffrage and peace activist Edna Buckman Kearns is bigger than all of us. It has entered the mainstream and opened doors for many. Right now with the deemphasis on the past and the isolation of the present, it may not seem as if deep coverage of a relatively unknown activist is important. But because of its broad scope and related interests, it has opened doors for others, now, in the past, and in the future.
We try harder because there hasn’t been much funding available for women’s rights projects. We have been advancing suffrage or “votes for women” volunteer work. We have advocated for more funding and services. We remain cheerful in spite of setbacks. We have tried to focus on certain topics ignored by others. We aren’t perfect, but we have succeeded in numerous ways.
Many people have been generous. We have also given and given until there is no more to set aside. Thank you, everyone of all backgrounds and types. We couldn’t have accomplished anything as comprehensive as this project without your help and support and love.
 Suffrage Wagon News Channel, or, has been publishing since 2009.